Thursday, July 20, 2006

random stuff

Wednesday, July 19 2006

Hellloooo.. I haven't really been busy, but have been feeling so sooo tired the past couple of days i've been sleeping for the whole entire day. Well, almost. For the past 2 days, I've been sleeping once i reached back from work (~7, 8ish) until morning! hoho! In addition I also nodded off during training =( even tho I tried so hard to pry my eyes open. Jetlag is a pretty scary thing.

anyway! cos I sleep so much, I woke up at 5+ today and decided to go for a jog! haha.. act healthy. went to the gym.. but only jogged for like, 15min.. at snail's pace. hahahaha. And cos I reached home from work early today (4+) I decided to go purchase a pool pass and go swamming!!! When I reached the outdoor pool, i realised it 1. was very small 2. was full of kids 3. had one of those lines across it. Such that I cannot exactly swim in it lah. So I just lay there and suntanned.. haha.. only went into the indoor pool to swim a few laps after nua3ing there for a long time with my davinci's code.. water was freezing tho!! =(

So to congratulate myself for exercising so much (eh! twice in a day ok) I am currently feasting on 2 cheese sausages and this:
strawberry diaquiri.. i bought 4 of these for 3.49! hoho yummy yummy

haha.. bad bad bedtime snack. speaking of bedtime, i bought this pillow yday cos ive been having neckaches.. looks like its damn good hor? extra-firm leh! i rike. if this pillow works for me im gonna buy 10 back to spore. heh heh. i can never find a good pillow.

this was today's dinner. for 2. we wanted to cook more cos we wanted to cook for tmr's lunch as well.. but er.. we cooked a lil too much. heh heh.

check this out. we even had lotus root soup!!!!! now i regret not bringing the gan1 bei4 mummy wanted to buy for me!!!

oh, and we've recently started the trend of bringing food for lunch the next day. This is perfect cos it saves us lots of money and also we get to eat chinese food even during work. And amazingly the people here do it too, so it's not like we're weird or anything to do this. at least i think so.

Ok, end of report. i actually still hafnt put up the convo photos if u've realised. I know you guys are dying to see them, so i'll put them up.. real soon i guess. heehee!! back to my cheese sausages! ta!!

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