Friday, 7th July 2006
After 1 month of training in ohio, it was time to go back to spore for my convo week.. My flight was at 7pm so I had friday off! but I still woke up at like, 8ish.. to be honest i wasn't feeling extremely excited.
After returning the rented cars at hertz, we took a shuttle to the airport. After clearing the customs, had BK double stacker for lunch, and I finally tried krispy kreme doughnuts! Eh, nice meh? i mean its good but its too too sweet!! I was never really a doughnut person anyway.

I would have taken more photos on the flight but after a while airplanes become less fascinating. And u feel kinda suaku for takin photos. The sia stewardess also not say v chio. I chatted to a guy nxt to me on the plane, he's a msian researcher w a-star doing chem engrg.. Pretty friendly, and we exchanged namecards as well. (whew, got rid of one more namecard haha)
Sunday, 9th July, 2006
Due to the time difference + 18 hour flight.. By the time I reached S'pore it was Sunday morning, 5ish. Family was there to fetch me even though it was at such unearthly hours! Everyone swiftly fell asleep once they reached home though, leaving me floating around the house. They finally woke up at 11+ and we went to crystal jade kitchen in tpy.. Had dimsum and my favourite 4-pple setmeal with soonhock fish.. Thanks to daddy. haha.
I zipped home to snooze right after the lunch, and jeff sent my parents to bugis. (mummy to work and daddy to simlim to change my usb hub) I got up at night to go out with jeff.. And we ended up at geylang for supper.. We wanted to eat the beef horfun but it was closed at 2+. So ended up eating the stupid youtiao stuff which isnt even fantastic.

Monday, July 11th, 2006
I reported to work at an unearthly time of 11am. Hoho. Actually I didn't really have to go cos I only landed on Sunday, but I had to go retrieve my fedex from the us visa authorities. Hence I picked it up and swiftly met jy and amk for lunch, and then popozaoed.
The dear then came to fetch me to NUS, where I ordered+collected my transcript, collected my grad ceremony attendance card, and made him buy a forever friends grad bear, Sugar for me. haha. My chauffeur then proceeded to send me home where i showered, and then sent me to tpy central where I got my cashier's order and also had a hair cut. My hair is pretty short now cos I told her the hair cut needs to last me for a year.. =( Hopefully if i don't cut my hair for this whole entire yr, when I come back it will actually be LONG and flowy. hahaha.
I can't remember what happened that evening, i probably went home and concussed. Now that I look back I wish I had made use of all that time to eat some good wholesome hokkien mee. or charkway teow. =(
Tuesday, 11 July 2006
Was supposed to go to the embassy this morning, but realised that I wrote "US embassy, spore" instead of "American embassy, spore" on the cashiers order. Thanks to my lovely brother, provider of all accurate details. So I had to go to the bank to get my cashier's order redone.. grr.
I later took a train down for my 47 months lunch at Crystal Jade Macau @ bugis. (2nd time im eating crystal jade this week..) He had a craving for fish, so we ended up ordering soonhock again.. the freaking fish cost 33 bucks! but shiok stuff lah.

couldnt resist

proper photo at last

enjoying the claypot veg, baconcheeseonion mussels (i rike), soonhock,pork chops and barley drink

After the late lunch, I took a train to clementi where bubbles fetched me to NUS for dot's convo! It was nice seeing dot's parents after a long time. And I realised that I've been so pampered, feel so unused to taking the mrt. Once you take private transport you'll feel damn sian taking mrts/buses ever again. Bad hor.
My best friend Dot and her stupid balloon.
It was raining after that, so I opted to take the mrt frm clementi back home.. My family had arranged to take studio photos at Serangoon Broadway, yes, the one with super high rates.. But when I reached home I was so tired that I set my alarm and fell into a deep sleep, snapping at anyone (dad) who tried to wake me up. Well, we still made it in the end (of course, responsible me) Well I guess there's a reason for the price, everything was well thought out for, they lent ties, suits, all sorts of graduation gowns, jewellery, and had makeup artists.
The photographer was quite funny, making all sorts of jokes in cantonese, and snapping (photos) furiously when we laughed, capturing the moments. Too bad I don't know cantonese much so i didn't really understand what he was saying, but I laughed along anyway. hahaa. One thing I was quite uncomfortable with was the way they tried to push you to buy more shots, and to take the larger frames. Super expensive lah! Not like our house very big, buy so big also don't know where to put. We ended up with a frame that was the smaller of the ones they introduced, but is still pretty huge to me. They also make you pay the full amount straight.. Boo.
Hope they turn out nice.
Wednesday, 12 July 2006
Wednesday morning was spent at the embassy where I finally applied for my visa. The interview wasn't as bad as I thought, and the queue wasn't that horrendous, maybe cos it was rainy. Many thanks to the dearie who waited patiently for me to queue up and get things done.
He later dropped me at bukit timah where I took a bus to work. Managed to change my laptop from the latitude D610 to the horrendously huge D810.. It shouldn't even qualify as a laptop!! It must be a desktop in disguise or something. At least it's supposed to be really powerful, with dual core processor and 2G ram, whatever that means. The imaging took like, 1h+. Didn't manage to change my laptop bag (too small) so i gotta go back on friday for work. =p
Next I took a bus down for bubbles' convo!!! 2 of her friends thought i was her older sis! so sad!!! bubbles is older than me by 2 mths loh.. pui. so irri.. i think i need plastic surgery. Anyway it's really fun to go for friends' convo. Although you sit there doing nothing, and even end up being their personal assistants, holding their stuff for them and taking pics for them, it's the joy you feel for them that after so many years of studying, we've finally reached somewhere. (i've known bubbles for 10 years, and dot for like, 19 yrs) Eeyer. that makes me sound really old eh. heh.
Me and 2 lions.
This was my most fruitful day ever. After bubble's convo, I took a train down to changi airport to send chye off to france (for 2 yrs! my.) The smart guy is taking some highly prestigious double degree thing there. Actually we mainly wanted to go eat popeyes chicken at the airport.. haha. And it was a good chance for me to meet up w everyone. I met toad, quek, chio and tat on the mrt and we travelled down together. Meanwhile they kept laughing at my top, saying i resembled bopeep and they made me carry this hooked umbrella as my staff, and kept singing mary had a little lamb.. this guys ah.. damn silly. Evelyn and siao were there too.. it was great meeting up!
bubbles was right. i need to lose weight. =(
it's 4.44am here and ive been wide awake since 1. i am so dead. earlier on today i was taking a nap with my head on the office table during lunch time, and an ang moh ran into the room to ask me if i was ok.. i didn't even know who he was cos i wasn't wearing my specs, and i blurlly said i was fine, with a weak smile. freaking paiseh. hope he wasn't like some super big shot or something. guess i better go try catch some winks to prevent any such mishaps! convo photos tmr, i hope!
yao guai pawr!!! wat 2 lions!!! not okay when it's posted on the internet hor! ><
really look like what =)
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