Wednesday 28th June 2006:
Ok, here's a pict of me at work in the training room. heehee.. Actually, not exactly at work.. we were just goofing around the controller stations and pretending to be some big shot programmers.. haha.

that's my flatmate.. haha.. pretty fun game i should say.

See the yellow board? supposed to hit the ball at it to earn points, or hit through the circle in the middle to get even more points. I was happy just eating and posing for pix. hohoho.
all of us! with the managers and mentors..
Dinner was prepared by yl and kev.. haha i was feeling lazy. that's basically fried rice and a dish of .. vegetables, dao kua and edamame!
Thursday, 29th June 2006
Received a present on Thursday.. A whole chassis inclusive of a controller and ethernet module! haha.. that means it's time to start work soon.. no more sleeping in class =p
On Thursday night, my brave flatmate travelled to New York by herself to settle some passport stuff at the chinese embassy there, leaving me and kevin all alone to feed ourselves.. *gasp* i decided to try making some baked rice and xiao bai cai.. i miss it!
I also discovered something on Thursday.. that Target (its a supermarket chain like walmart) was RIGHT BEHIND MY APARTMENT!! haha i always thought we had to drive out one big round to reach it, but i realised that there was a side gate from behind my block through the garage, and it reached Target right away! so cool. hahaha. So kev and me went there to pick up some ingredients for the baked rice.. and we also bought garlic and onions for the xiaobaicai..
although i have no idea how to cook the xiaobaicai, when you're desperate for cai you will automatically learn. moreover the chef (yl) wasn't around so we could anyhow experiment and no one will laugh at us haha. So i chopped up the garlic and fried the xiaobaicai.. always wondered why there's so much sauce when my mum cooked it.. so i added some water.. and soya sauce.. and voila!!!!!

this is the baked rice.. yeah can't really tell what it is cos it's just covered with mozarella (white) and cheddar (yellow) cheese. we were being cheapo cos mozarella more expensive so we used the slices of cheddar cheese instead haha. well at least there's a nice pattern to it.
about the taste.. well.... i didn't like it haha. i thought anything with cheese would taste good but i was wrong.. on hindsight i think i was supposed to use parmesan cheese, think that would have smelt better? no idea. haha. and also, we were lazy (and very hungry) so what we did was we cooked the rice, boiled the chicken and then put it in to bake for a while to melt the cheese.. so the soup and the rice wasn't like, cooked together and the rice tasted like, white rice. haha. well the nxt time i'll bake it from scratch (like, mi3 and not fan4, and raw chicken) and i'm sure it will taste superb. just that it'll take an hour to cook. boo.
at least the next day puji and sebast finished it and they claimed they loved it. haha. not bad at least the food wasn't wasted.
I just realised that my camera time is still in singapore time so some of my previous blog entries are probably screwed up, as in i put the wrong food as being eaten on the wrong day, but i guess its not like anyone gives a damn haha. so now i gotta convert each time.. boo.
Friday 30th June 2006
Anyway, on friday evening after work we (kev, raju, andrian, sebast) decided to go get our cell phone prepaid cards!! The system here is quite dumb though, cos it costs say $50 to start up a prepaid card without any phone, but it costs $30 to start up a prepaid card with a nokia 6010! haha. stupid right.
The nokia 6010 looks like this: and it actually looks about 1000 times nicer in this pict. when we saw it at the walmart near our workplace, we almost vomited. its so ugly i refused to hold it. in fact i'd rather use my Nokia 8250 instead of this. it is equivalent to the 3120 (or something) series.. like ew! So walmart didn't have many choices and we drove down to beechwood place instead, where there was an offer for the samsung x495 at $50 for the whole kit. ok i know it's nothing great, no features and all but at least it's more decent than the *urgh* nokia. not that i even need a phone but i didn't have a choice did i.. haha..
so now i have a US cellphone! we later realised that this stupid phone doesn't work with our s'pore sim cards. URGH! looks like it'll take a trip to the ah bengs at the pasar malams to reload the cell phone program or something. grr.
Because all 5 of us now have the same cellphone, and because there was this ugly T-Mobile word on the shell, and because i simply love to do silly arty crafty things like this, my cellphone now looks like this:
hoho! complete with pink+white lil flowers and silver rhinestones with a layer of clear varnish. =)
see what happens when the flatmate is not around? i go into instant noodle mode. oops. i'm really too too lazy to cook everyday.. luckily got a cooking-crazy flatmate to spur me on to cook, or at least, to wash the dishes when she cooks and im too lazy even to help her haha. well at least i added veg, egg and sausage to my noodle for my lonely friday night dinner!
Saturday 1st July 2006
most of the colleagues went to niagara falls (they didn't go the prev time) on saturday, except me, kev and raju (who wanted to watch worldcup) and yl who came back frm NY too late. they were damn lucky to be able to catch fireworks there at night cos it's also canada's nat'l day or something and they're still goading over the fact that i missed it but i shan't go into that hmph. well, i didn't go cos the 4 hour ride there is horrendous and im sure i'll have to go when pple come to visit me in the future heh.
kev raju and me drove out to get KFC for lunch! haha. it's quite cheap, this meal was like, 3.99. and surprisingly the chicken was quite tender.. just that i miss the crispy spicy skin thing they haf in spore.. sob. original is just so not satisfying! also missing chili sauce.. =(
i ate this while watching.. erm, trying to watch the france-brazil match. i am so not into soccer.. it was so boring that i decided to go do something else...
and I baked this!!!!!!!! looks like a gooey mess but it is actually chocolate cake. haha. this is quite sad, i actually have to name everything i cook/bake cos no one can figure out from the picture itself. but anyway, it tasted good to me.. and it is super cheap. cos cheapo me used the premix.. only $1 for the mix and $0.75 for the fudge frosting!! so that's just $1.75 for a week's worth of chocolate cake.. haha gonna try strawberry cheesecake the next time!! good thing about US is that milk, eggs, and esp CHEESE is super cheap here.. and u get to buy all those nonsense products listed in online recipes (such as strawberry whipped cream?) that u can't find in spore.
looks like i'll be able to hone not only my cooking skills here but my baking skills as well! =)
After baking Raj, kev and me (YL still sleeping and suffering from bus-lag) drove downtown to check out this place called The Arcade which was supposed to be happening according to kevin. There were not a lot of parking places, and downtown (the city area) was very quiet except for some pubs here and there. not a terribly exciting place to be really. We parked at a parking area which wanted us to pay $3 in a lil mailbox-like thing but the parkign attendant wasnt' around so we just hecked it and walked off.
After getting very lost.. we finally located the Arcade on one of the maps.. and we decided to drive somewhere nearer instead so we went back to the carpark. This time there were a few african americans hanging around the carpark.. looking kinda shady. We were pretty freaked out.. were they the attendants or what? We swiftly walked to the car and as kev was about to drive off one of them limped towards his window (dun ask me why he was limping) and asked for some money. Kev passed him $1 and he asked if he could have more but kev said we didn't have any more and luckily the man was quite friendly and he let us off.. whew. until now i still don't know what exactly they were doing.. just extorting money from us? But kev+raju says they claimed to be 'protecting' our car while we weren't around cos we didn't pay for the parking. I was wondering how on earth they know that we weren't paying for the parking since they weren't there when we reached. All i know is that was kinda freaky and we aren't gonna park in shady places with no proper attendants anymore!!
so we drove nearer to the arcade and found a spot with a parking meter (Whew.) the arcade is actually a shopping area in hyatt hotel with very very grand furnishings. it was a beautiful place but unfortch we cldn't access it cos there was a wedding held there (yes, in the middle of the shopping area right outside all the shops) so it was kinda wasted a trip.
So the losers decided to go back to the car to drive back to Beechwood place to shop. heeheee. finally stepped into shops like abercrombie and fitch, victoria secrets.. but the stuff weren't that great and luckily i was feeling broke after all that factory outlet shopping so i didn't even buy anything. even kev and raj were surprised haha.
and that was the end of our loserish saturday, while everyone were enjoying themselves at niagara falls.. =(
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