when i just reached office it wasn't snowing but there was mysteriously snow on the grass

cars are still free from snow

it's only autumn! what's wrong with this place!

this looks very much into winter doesn't it? As I took this photo I suddenly remembered the lil squirrels who used to scamper around, and I wondered what happened to them. I mean its not fair it's only autumn so what if they hadn't gathered enough food? What if they didn't return home in time and froze out there? =(
Haha, couldn't resist running out to play during work! =x first touch of snow, first Snowball.
first taste of snow! haha! too bad they melt once they touch my tongue, if not can take photo of the snowflake on my tongue hahaha
poor cars
first step in snow
no gloves!!
taken when back in the warmth of the building
er, i went out again with another group of pple haha. i wonder if the geese forgot to migrate?
and my ford taurus at the end of the day.. haha notice how bad my parking is.. hahahhaha
I had to hit all that snow off with a branch.
Well.. snow is so damn beautiful. Can't wait to go skiing, skating, tobogganing, tubing, snowboarding!!!!!!!! Whee!
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