Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy CNY!

新年快乐,万事如意 and 身体健康 to all my friends out there, especially all the piggies hoho.. it's been another *gulp*, 12 years since your PSLE!!! ok, doesnt seem that bad huh since it feels such a long time ago since experiencing our first major exam in the wonderful singapore education system.

I haven't found the time to continue with the hawaii entries, cos there are so many photos and I'm just plain lazy. Meanwhile, I've found lots of other ways to keep myself entertained. Way too many in fact. I realised that I've started myself on way too many things such that I can't finish everything unless I'm really hardworking but sometimes I just wanna nua. OK, most of the time I just wanna nua.

What have I got myself into that I haven't fulfilled at all? I have only 4 months left here, and check out the number of things I have invested in cos they seem like a good deal but I haven't touched.. boo. Prices are in USD. Well, at least the things really are a good deal. Maybe when I'm back in spore I'd be able to use it.. hahaha.

1. Pink Tennis Racquet, $30

Played a grand total of twice. Pink tennis balls canister not even opened yet. Supposed to pick up the sport, but no where near even playing a proper game.

2. Black Ice Skates, $21

I've skated about.. 3 times? And Jingyang used it once so that's 4. I need to use it for 11 times to make it back haha cos rental is $2. So.. 7 times to go!! I wanted to go for the figure skating lessons so that I force myself to learn but I always always forget and miss the start of the lessons! GRR.

3. Skiing season pick-a-day pass, $290


Ah, this is the most jialat. Each ski session for lift + ski rental takes $60. Which means I need to go 5 times to make it hua2. I've gone er.. 3 times. Actually it comes with 5 guest passes, and those of us who have it, we sell it at ~$30 each and I've used all of them. So which means that since those without passes go in at $30, I also should go in at $30 and I still need to go 5 times to make it hua2. OK, 2 more times!! I'll go tomorrow I HOPE.

It's definitely still more hua2 to buy the pass cos it even comes with 2 lessons so.. I don't regret buying it, I just have to go more often. When I bought the pass I was hoping to be able to become a pro skier, at least can go down black diamond slopes effortlessly with the correct techniques.. but erm. Well.. now lets hope I can at least do the Blue slopes comfortably huh.

4. Ocarina, $43

I think this was a beautiful buy.. Expensive but I've managed to pick it up and can play pieces on it without referring to the guide. I still need some work on the sharps and flats though, just need a bit more practice.

5. Casio LK300TV Electronic Keyboard $53 + Stand $9 + Sustain Pedal $26

My newest splurge! Thanks to, I managed to get my grubby lil hands on this fantastic steal from Sears. The cheapest price I can find on is $164.88 + $23.81 shipping!

There was even a keyboard at $24! I loved the Yamaha YPT300 with touch sensitive keys which cost $37 (originally $149)! but that was out of stock real soon. I bought that one from circuit city for $161 and tried to price match it but it's still under investigation sian. [Price match is like, you prove to circuit city that you can get it cheaper somewhere else and if they honor it, they'll give you 110% of the difference in price.] Most likely I won't be able to get it at that price. So I'm leaving the stock there til I can get a price match.. And then see what happens. If all fails I can just return it. The wonders of America's return policy.

The next day I went down to Sears to check out and found this keyboard lying in a corner! It also has some kind of touch sensitivity [means you press hard it is louder] so I grabbed it instantaneously. The stand was only $7.47 without tax.. shiok. Even comes with microphone and adapter [can you believe it the yamaha ypt300 doesn't come with an adapter]. But I still prefer yamaha to casio anytime. This has some lessons in a dvd and it looks like one of those arcade games where you play with it, quite fun I should try it some time haha.

I popped down to Sam Ash Music store to look for a sustain pedal.. They had a $10, $19 and $24 one. The $10 one's spring was quite shitty.. and the $24 one was more universal than the $19. But as I walked out of the store I felt like returning it already.. sigh. Cos when they ring it up, with tax its $26 already, so ex!! it's half the price of my whole keyboard lah! And I don't feel that it works very well anyway, partly cos the keyboard isn't that fantastic.

My main gripes about the keyboard are that

1. there are only 61 as opposed to 88 keys in a real piano so you feel quite restricted sometimes
2. no weighted keys so you feel quite uncomfortable cos it's so light, and the sensitivity isn't very high so when you try to press real hard it doesn't turn out very strong/loud. This is also very bad for piano players cos you lose the ability to control the expressions.

wahaha.. mess up my room even more. The cleaner is gonna hate me for putting it so near the bed cos she's gonna have a hard time making the bed now.

But of course you can only get that in a digital piano which would cost at least what, $800? So it's ok, I just need one for some leisure when my fingers are itching to play out a tune.. It's really very very therapeutic. I really love this buy!

6. Books

Haiyoh, put me in a half priced book store and I start spending money on what I think is a good cause. [for myself lah, good cause cos theoretically I can improve my language by reading right?] Well books are comparatively cheap here.. So I'm always very tempted to buy them.

Sophie's World, $5
I was hoping to pick up a thing or two about philosophy some time ago but I can't get past the first chapter. It's so boring lah. And I know nuts about philosophy so I wouldn't be able to apply the parallels in the book.

One for the Money by Janet Evanovich, $5
So I started on my chick flick instead.. which is about a bounty hunter Stephanie Plum. I've read one in the series before, borrowed from tpy library. It's really entertaining. I try to read before sleeping but I usually fall asleep after 2 pages.

Chronicles of Narnia, $5
Tuesdays with Morries, $2
Yeah, all very mainstream books.. Those that you can't go wrong with. Narnia looks very thick though and I'm not sure if I'd like it. Hopefully I'll manage to find some time to finish up these books man.

7. ???

I also have another project which is a secret, cannot tell anyone. Which is gonna be really pretty but also very time consuming!! Will be shown after it is done.

8. Japanese Serials

These didn't cost me anything cos they were erm, from a friend. I finished Iryu Team Medical Dragon recently [very shuai lead actor, nice theme music] and now am in the midst of Attention Please! Which has a VERY PRETTY and cool lead actress.. Damn cute I love her. About her being tomboyish yet trying for an airstewardess job in JAL. Although they were free let me just take this opportunity to show off my recent ipod purchases hahaha. [Got link right.. ipod is for playing the serials..]

a. Ipod FM transmitter, $0.80 with google checkout. Can be used for all devices like laptops. b. Ipod Power Adapter, $1.99. Notice that I haven't even opened it yet. Haha. It was too cheap to not buy it even if you have no use for it. c. Glow in the dark ipod wheel and screen protector. I wanted to buy one without glow in the dark but it was only 4.99 and I couldn't make up $10. So this is 5.99. Coupled with d. Smartwrap wire organizer, it cost me $3.83 all together.

Tonnes of useless ipod accessories for under $7! This is America, baby.

9. Blogging

This is free of course but it takes up a freaking lot of time. At the end of it all, I would like to archive this blog by printing it out as a diary for keepsake. Hopefully would have supported blogger entries by then. Most prob won't be continuing with it when I'm back in spore lah.

10. Maplestory

Wah lau, this is the stupidest invention ever. Totally waste my time and money. Sadly I've been spending a lot of time on this, and it's the main reason numbers 1-9 aren't being fully utilised. Haha. Especially since I bought the stupid 2x exp card from singapore time 6am to 10am, it means that 3-4 hours of my evening is gone trying to level up. For what I don't know. It's just the easiest way out cos it's so brainless. I'm not even gonna reveal how much $ I spent on this cos it's so embarrassing. Here're a list of things I recently bought so only maple players will know how much $ I spent boohoo..

1. 2x exp card 6-10am
2. Life for my pet
3. 1 gachapon ticket
4. Life charm for myself
5. A yellow sweater
6. Transparent cap
7. One day store with employee
8. 7 Owls of something

In fact right now I'm gonna jump in and play cos it's already 5.51PM here and so it's 6.51AM in singapore and I've wasted 51 minutes of my 2x exp. Also my poor doggie Pawsie has probably died of hunger [literally!] so I gotta go back in to revive it and feed it. Hahahhaa this sounds really ridiculous huh. I heard from pb that some Sec 3 boy failed his exams cos of maple? Hurhur. Wonder what kind of nonsense I'd have to deal with with my kids next time.

I hate you maple for destroying my life.


Akira Star said...

Where did you buy your ocarina?

pawsie said...

I bought it in Pike's Place market in Seattle. I believe they can be found in China as well but in varying shapes/sizes/material