Saturday, September 2, 2006
After our hectic day in boston, we had a nosso good rest and it was time to head off for NYC at 7am in the morning. We said our goodbyes to the nerdy dorm of MIT, and were on the way again.
After our hectic day in boston, we had a nosso good rest and it was time to head off for NYC at 7am in the morning. We said our goodbyes to the nerdy dorm of MIT, and were on the way again.
We were lost for a while cos somehow the roads didn't coincide with the GPS navigation instructions.. but imagine our joy when we finally found this highway entrance!!

We stopped over in a petrol (gas) station in Connecticut for fluid adjustment break. here I got a nice cuppa copi and sour cream n onion pringles which made everyone happie!

erm, check out our stash in the back seat. haha.. while the driver drives we just sleep and eat. oh well at least when he was hungry we served him well by offering him all thefood!!

erm, check out our stash in the back seat. haha.. while the driver drives we just sleep and eat. oh well at least when he was hungry we served him well by offering him all thefood!!
george washington bridge. it was difficult to get a good picture of this cos there were so many bloody trees blocking it! and we were moving kinda fast.

it was raining when we got there. Everything was cloudy and grey. and the wind quickly destroyed ks and lm's umbrella.. check out their pathetic poses..

We headed straight for chinese food around the corner after parking our vehicles at the garage and checking in our stuff.

We headed straight for chinese food around the corner after parking our vehicles at the garage and checking in our stuff.

got 'Singapore Mei Fun'.. xing zhou mifen! haha so interesting.

my yummy sesame chicken and fried rice and hot+sour soup + lemon tea set!
After our tummies were filled, we took a subway to go check out the empire state building!
When we got out of the subway, I was overwhelmed by the heart of the city. Tall buildings everywhere, cars and people just travelling in all directions. Coming from a city myself, I realised how I kinda miss that sorta life.
So sadly we cld not go up even tho we had bought the tickets already.. so dumbdumb. i look like a lunatic with my messy hair and everything, but there's more to come..
hiakhiak. 4 of us (sebast, jy, cy and me) bought this laopok poncho at a shop near our hostel, cos we were lazy to take an umbrella everywhere and thought it was more convenient. but we later realised that very little pple actually do this, and only silly tourists were doing this as well. sooo embarrassing. i gave up and took it off somewhere in the evening.. heh heh but i still wore it for quite a long time.. anw, the sign behind says 5th avenue! =)
the other 3 idiots. Taken when we were proceeding towards the theatre district where the broadway theatres were. we were hoping to get cheap tickets there and experience a show! After walking a freaking long distance in the cold rain..
one of the theatres.. pretty!
times square. This is one crazy place. even though it was raining and the floor was full of puddles, you see the streets streaming with people walking everywhere, shopping, dinnering.. it was an amazing experience. kinda reminds me of hongkong. oh, and subways are operating 24h! haha siow!
outside the theatre showing mamma mia.. we were trying to queue up for tickets.. what happens is there is usually a queue outside the theatre to buy tickets from people who don't want them anymore. the silly thing is that these tickets are the same price, i heard.. i also don't know why people do that. i was damn tired lah! considering the tickets would be about 100 usd? we didn't think we would really want them, plus we couldn't get them anyway in the first place. so we left and started exploring the place..
cool machine in a hershey's shop where different candies wld drop down into a bucket! i bought a lil gift for lm and roomie here.. a cup filled with hershey's kisses.. heehee.

there was a ferris wheel in the toys'r'us here'1 and the different carriages had different characters on them. luckily bubbles wasnt here or she sure wanna sit on this one!!!

ohh, i finally bought something. heehee. a NEW YORK hoodie. hahaha. its not waterproof tho so it was kinda dumb, after 15 minutes my hood all wet liao grr.
jy bought a kebab for $1.. v shiok to eat it in the cold weather!
and after walking insane amounts up and down and sideways and slantways through time square, we finally made our way back.. what a tiring day! and we didn't even accomplish much due to the weather. din go up empire state building, didn't catch our broadway show. so i was feeling kinda sian cos it was a long and tiring drive over! Well hopefully the next day would be better!
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