Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Despite owning a beginner's dslr, I'm still really clueless about photography and still take really embarrassingly crappy photos. However, in my quest to find christmas presents for my friends today, I ended up finding something for myself instead (surprise, surprise). Need to do lots more research first though..

Was initially checking out holgas and was looking for their mods cos I seriously buay tahan film, but it's not readily available. Further investigation led me to lensbabies, which give really cool results, and you can do an 'optic swap' to use plastic lens to create the holga/diana effect. I'm not sure how easy it is to create these pretty effects though. Looking at the beautiful photos, I was dizzy with excitement! After looking at even more of them, I realized that I wasn't dizzy with excitement, but literally dizzy cos of all the motion blur.

So anyway. I came across this website about tilt shift photography creating miniature like images and, the results are damn cool. I'm not sure if I can reproduce the images here, so do go to the site to check it out. =)

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