Monday, February 23, 2009

Polyclinic Visit

Did you know that the polyclinic is damn cheap? I just went to see a doctor. The consultation fees were $8.80, ($4.50 for kids/elderly!) and some ointment + lots of panadol cost me $2.80. I only had to pay $11.60 in all. I'm sure this could have cost me $40 easily at a GP, and probably $80 at an A&E.

I waited about10 minutes to register, 0.5 hours til consultation, and then I stupidly waited at some place wrongly for 15 minutes for payment. Realizing the number was not jumping and the cashier was permanently on the phone, I asked her and she told me I was supposed to go the pharmacy at the 1st floor. Well, I wasn't really paying attention cos I was armed with my PSP, ready for the long waits.

I then went down to the pharmacy for another 0.5 hours wait. I had a good time limping around and buying crap like ankle guard, orange wood cuticle sticks and Katjes Berry Delicious gummies (to console poor sick me). My miscellaneous purchases cost me way more than the whole medical fee.

I suppose the waiting time was O-K, but it's a weekday morning. Overall quite a good experience. After which I cabbed home (2 streets away) and that only cost me $3.40.

[edit] On hindsight. The polyclinic visit was really quite bohua, considering the guy REFUSED to write a 'unfit for travel' doc for me for insurance purposes, and just merely gave a 'Refrain from strenuous activity and prolonged walks'. Sai lor. Maybe it's cos I happily limped in myself. I should have made pb carry me in or something. From opinions I gathered, polyclinics are the most giam about giving MCs and such letters. GPs on the other hand, are in a competitive business and would be more likely to give such letters. So come to think of it, I did not gain from the doctor's visit at all, other than receiving a 1 day MC for the day I went to visit.. Had to limp to work painfully the next day.

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