Saturday, March 24, 2007
I wasn't kidding when I said one state every weekend. Kentucky! All we know about Kentucky is probably it's fried chicken. Other than food, it's also famous for the horses, and Mammoth Caves.
I wasn't kidding when I said one state every weekend. Kentucky! All we know about Kentucky is probably it's fried chicken. Other than food, it's also famous for the horses, and Mammoth Caves.

we set off in the wee hours of the morning

4 hours drive to Cincinnati, Ohio, and another 1.5 hours drive to Lexington, Kentucky

Easter is really big here, and like Valentine's day, there are lots of candy in pretty pastel colours sold in the supermarkets during this period of time. This are my Bunny Mix m&m's! I had to buy it, the colours are so pretty! And there are even rabbit and chick prints on the m&m's.

we stopped by at some mac's for breakfast, and the people there were so damn nice! There was this kind mac's lady who walked around with a basket of MINTS! machiam high class restaurant.. couldn't believe it.

After a pretty long winter in cleveland, we've been looking forward to sunshine! And there was abundant sunshine here. At one point of time, 'Music of the Night' from the Phantom of the Opera was playing on jy's psp..
Close your eyes,
let your spirit
start to soar!
At this moment I looked out to the blue skies, green grass, and saw an eagle soaring through the sun beams. It was so picturesque I couldn't take it anymore.
Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington
Finally reached the Kentucky Horse Park. We had guessed that it was just a touristy thing but you'll never know unless you go check it out. We spent the longest time deciding whether to go ride horses, or just enter the park, or both, or neither and we must have really made marty disgusted with our typical indecisiveness. In the end most of us except wj and ameek opted to just enter it, and ks and kev went ahead to ride the horses.
Finally reached the Kentucky Horse Park. We had guessed that it was just a touristy thing but you'll never know unless you go check it out. We spent the longest time deciding whether to go ride horses, or just enter the park, or both, or neither and we must have really made marty disgusted with our typical indecisiveness. In the end most of us except wj and ameek opted to just enter it, and ks and kev went ahead to ride the horses.

Well since it was Kentucky Horse Park, obviously we met lots of horses. All kinds.

1. Horse statue

2. Horse with pretty rider

3. Huge horse with weird clothes

4. cute friendly small horse

5. handsome horse

6. horses on parade

7. horse saddles

8. hungry horse

9. horse diet

10. unfriendly horse

11. dead horses. they only bury the head, heart and hooves.

12. lonely horse

13. sleepy horse

14. hardworking horses

15. strong horses [we sat on one of these rides]

16. horse driving test! Commands are shouted at them [the horse or the rider?] and the horse goes right/left/figure of 8 accordingly.

17. horse chairs

18. horsing around [ok i know i'm pushing it]

19. horse sled used like, centuries ago?

20. cheeky horse

love the colours in this photo

kev and ks on their horse riding thing.. I really should have done that instead cos the park itself was kinda stupid.. horses and horse museums which do not exactly excite me. Seems like the horse riding is so much more wuhua.. bleah

cowboy jy

we were awarded w Kentucky bourbon truffles from dear ameek and wj for completing the boring park

our search for the kfc buffet was in vain, we actually found one but it was under construction [wth] so we went to our all time favourite, Cracker Barrel for some southern cooking instead. Not that we can't have it in the north since there are so many branches, but oh well. we were hungry. I was extremely disgusted by the service rendered by the waiter. He was so mean and rude, and kept putting out his hand so that we could pass him our plates. rudely. With no word of thanks or smile on his face. I was so displeased.. grr
It's Spring SPRING spRing SprinG sPRInG!!!

Yup. Unmistakenly spring. Complete with all sorts of flowers, birds, butterflies and bees.

our petrol attendant wasn't so friendly
Next was an hour's drive to the Kentucky Capitol in Frankfort.


jy wanted to qie4 me at the K for Kentucky shots.. ok, he wins.


this 'floral clock' was supposed to be full of flowers, unfortch they werent planted yet =(

supergirl. Just as sebastian was happily going on with his superman jokes.
Kentucky Vietnam Veterans Memorial
We had to drive for some distance before reaching this very special memorial for the Kentuckians who died in the Vietnam war. "The names of 1,103 Kentuckians lost in the war are engraved into the plaza, including 23 missing in action. Each name is placed so that the tip of the shadow touches his name on the anniversary of his death, thus giving each fallen veteran his own personal Memorial Day." (source)

After our relaxing day, we drove towards our hotel in Cave City, KY.

you didn't know? there are t-rexes in kentucky.

i loved how the rooms were connecting, very fun has the 'chalet feel'. too bad everyone fell asleep promptly.

there was a poor little puppy at the hotel.. He seemed to be very wary of humans and refused to come near us. wj went to buy some food for him but he was still afraid of us. Heard that it was abused by humans and the hotel staff has been feeding it.
anyhoo, we went to find dinner after nua3ing for a while. the kfc there didn't have a buffet so we settled for some restaurant whose name i can't remember. this was after knocking on 2 doors, one of a steakhouse and one mexican restaurant.. both of which we didn't like the prices. haha.
anyhoo, we went to find dinner after nua3ing for a while. the kfc there didn't have a buffet so we settled for some restaurant whose name i can't remember. this was after knocking on 2 doors, one of a steakhouse and one mexican restaurant.. both of which we didn't like the prices. haha.

my country fried steak.. and ameek with her burger
after our dinner, we popped by a gokart place where the guys minus puji had lots of fun. They are damn scary lah the way they drive so aggressive!! Luckily I never play. They were bumping each other and everything and most of them got scolded by the fuming operators. Hope there wasn't too much damage done to the vehicles, haha.

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