Sunday, March 25, 2007
After a good night's rest at Days Inn and a FREE continental breakfast, and saying bye to the little puppy, we set off for Mammoth Caves! The world's longest known cave. We bought 2 tours for the day and were just in time for the first.. the New Entrance (Frozen Niagara) tour.

took a shuttlebus to the entrance of the caves.. loved the ranger he was so humourous.

in we go! the place was properly lit and had proper stairs / pavements with RAILINGS so, it was a comfortable stroll through the cave.

It's a pity that most of the limestone formations were towards the end of the trip and that was when the ranger kept hurrying us to leave due to time constraints. Anyway, those that grow form the Ceiling are called stalaCtites and those from the ground are stalaGmites. Just to refresh your secondary school geography =)

strongman sebastian

bus ride back

time for my favourite past time after the first tour.. shopping!! I loved the hat the light can actually be switched on! so tempted to get. In the end I found myself a furry friend.

and I bought him a hat instead! it can be lit!! hahaha.

time for the next tour after spending enough money.

my failed attempt to look even slightly sexy, unlike our our dearest sexy model

they're kinda gross actually

this area is called 'Fat man's misery'.. i think it is also 'tall girl's misery'

mr squiggy loved the trail

a park ranger took this for us. he wins the best photographer award!

dated 1855! ancient writings leh

this kinda reminds me of indiana jones

taken by meeky

i freaked meeky out by doing that.. haha

us with the park ranger and extra kevin. in response to us asking for a picture, the ranger said 'sure, with 2 pretty ladies!' heehee.

our ever happy and gay friend
So.. I have nothing much to say about Mammoth Caves other than them being the longest caves around and all the photos look very much the same as you can see. Not that I didn't enjoy it, I loved it very much.
So.. after the 2nd tour at 3+, we were adequately hungry for a KFC buffet!! We'd asked about where we could find one from the restaurant the night before, so we headed straight for it.
So.. after the 2nd tour at 3+, we were adequately hungry for a KFC buffet!! We'd asked about where we could find one from the restaurant the night before, so we headed straight for it.

cheap!! but actually it's cheaper to eat a barrel or something.. but for the sake of trying

they even had gizzards.. is that it? or liver or something lah. only took a small nibble even though it was deep fried already.

tupid ks told us that colonel sanders came up with the recipe to feed his soldiers.. hurhur. seems like he wasn't a real colonel at all, just given the title cos of his yummilicious recipe.. heh.

lastly.. souvenirs for this trip. What I enjoyed most from this trip, was the abundance of sunshine, the blue skies, green grass and the flowers, and the warmth. Finally could wear just a tee and slippers! It sounds like a simple wish but it feels really good to be out there after a seemingly long winter.
I must also add that I had immunity from driving for the whole trip! Cos I kinda planned it! Hoho.. Actually I just granted it to myself haha cos I was lazy.
I must also add that I had immunity from driving for the whole trip! Cos I kinda planned it! Hoho.. Actually I just granted it to myself haha cos I was lazy.