and when you walk around the office/hotel building, everyone greets you with a hi, 'morning', or nod.. it really brightens up your day. the weather is also beautiful, it's so sunny for like, so much of the day (5am to 9pm) and yet it's so cold.. with cool breeze.. it puts you in a very good mood indeed.
even training is enjoyable (especially the first day learning about the controllers and the labs). it's really great to know that what you're learning will be applicable to your work. and everyday i sit in the training and i just think about how blessed and lucky i am to be here, to be learning new things and to know new people everyday. and also, to be given the chance to learn together with other fresh grads such that we can learn and grow together. very essiting indeed.
ok! enough reporting. here's a photosummary again. haha wonder how long i'll keep up with this..
on monday night i was soooo tired and still suffering from jetlag.. i slept thru dinner. but the kind folks who went to pf chang got some hor fun back for me.. here it is in the typical chinese takeaway container.. hoho cute. but it was kinda bland, i had to add my sambal blachan to it. haha.

pf chang takeaway
tuesday: had dinner at hunan east again.. here yinglun and jean went crazy when they saw all their chinese (really chinese) food.. they ordered interesting food.. such as edamame with pork.. and jean was really pissed when the so called sweet and sour pork ribs were not the ribs they wanted but just pork meat pieces.
weds: dinner was at lemongrass off lee street. unfortunately it wasnt the same lemongrass as the one in spore.. i was superbly excited at the tomyamsoup and padthai. but the flavours just werent as fragrant as what we normally eat in spore.. =( i think my mama instant mee (tomyam flavour) is much much better.. haha gonna bring 100 pkts here or something after july. heehee.

thursday: while waiting for our boss to finish talking to the bigger boss, i went around taking photos in the office compound. super pretty place!!!!

in front of the cafeteria

Considering we hafn't really eaten american food, we went to corky & lennys which is supposed to be good for burgers.. ribs.. this is real near our hotel so we walked over. i ordered a normal beef burger with cheese, half of which is sitting in my fridge now. haha dont know when i'll eat it. the food portions are crazy here. and the size of the pple in this place was.. ahem.. lets just say it was scary and this is not one place im gonna eat often.. EVERYONE in there was of the same size.. it was really scary.
my burger.. kevin's fries and ribs shared by evryone.
adidas cap for 7usd!
after dinner we went to tjmaxx to look at crap.. i picked up this adidas cap thats super sweet.. and it cost only 7usd.. happiness! can wear to niagara falls this sunday if im going!
on a separate note, kevin and me are starting to feel 'outcasted' by the rest. haha.. so sad, when they go out and all that we dont go together anymore. it's mainly cos our trainings aren't together and so it's difficult to coordinate stuff. hopefully things will change when we shift to the apartments.. cos it wld be great to stick together, and learn together as well.
ok! time to go sleep. haha.. gonna curl in my super comfy bed. i rike.
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