Monday, January 26, 2009

happy new year?

Whenever there is an exchange of 'Happy New Year', I put on my happiest smile, but inside I actually cringe. What's so happy about it? It's just another day. The only cny goodie I like is bak kwa which can be enjoyed anytime of the year. I guess I only like it because it's the only time my house is spotlessly clean so it's really comfortable. Oh, and also cos we get 2 days of public holiday. That's good if we don't actually have to go visit anyone. Hahaha.

In any case, my parents finally managed to stage their own rebellion and NOT go visit those less-close relatives, e.g. parents' cousins whom we see only once a year. So right now we're just chilling at home, soaked in anti-social bliss. Love it. Of course, we also save from giving those angpows to people we don't really care about.

Which gives me some time to catch up on my blogging and photos.. yay.

Since we're in CNY mood, here's what I've been busy with.. For the past week, I've been cleaning up my room, like, real cleaning up, taking everything out of my deepest cupboards and wiping them through. I donated half my room to the salvation army, hopefully they can be used somehow. It's a fantastic way to get rid of stuff that are still good but you just don't need anymore. Hopefully my stuff can help someone out there.

I also took the time to finally take some photos of my shoes in an attempt to catalog them. Will go develop the photos and paste each of them on my shoeboxes. Something that would be way easier with Polaroid but oh well. Digital is the way to go.

Not pretty right? I totally need more shoes right?

So my room is really clean now yay.

Had our reunion dinner on Saturday instead of Sunday which is CNY eve. This way we have one more day on Sunday to relax and chill.. or do last minute floor scrubbing. I did a bit of both.

It was a spread! Serves 6:

the ngoh hiang and prawns fried in batter are a once-a-year affair!

and what goes into the steamboat...

I don't like steamboat cos I hate having to cook and it's so bland and all but well it's alright if someone cooks it for me hah!

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