Were only at Yellowstone for a day and we had to leave already. So we woke up the next morning and it was time to start on our 9 hour drive towards Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.

bye to WY!

two hungry bears scavaging for food!

we tried to take some sexy photos

i totally failed i know.
so off we went!

clouds spilling over the mountain peaks

sent the poor camry for some maintenance cos all its warning lights were appearing.. used it way too much cos it had gps! haha. meanwhile we got some snacks in the area..

i love beef jerky.

some interesting doritos flavor, apparently it's out for testing for gaining customers' feedback.

handsum hair

lots of cleaning involved every time we stopped.. gotta get rid of all the bugs and grime before they accumulate and dry up. eww.

i heart chalupas from taco bell

the photographer and his work of art
these photos were taken outside some tacobell.

one of the cards from the yellowstone deck. so cute right?


we reached south dakota!

the sky started to gray out along the way..

you can see exactly which parts of the land have gray clouds

it was scary to drive in the rain

and ice. see the slurpee-like slush hitting our windscreen?

it was raining like CRAZY when we stopped for a coffee/toilet break at this gas station.

in fact it was raining these ice thingies.. and they hit us hard! painful ok!

gas prices were high :(

got one of my magnets from the gas station in case i couldn't find it later

and there we see it!! rushmore!!

a touristy little town near rushmore

our first glance

it was raining quite badly so, in case we couldn't see the real thing, here's a preview..

there it is!!

very challenging to take sharp photos in the rainy cloudy dark place

there was supposed to be a lighting ceremony, it being memorial day weekend and all. but it was cancelled at the last minute because of the rain. :(

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. My personal favorite is Abraham Lincoln cos of his beard, very cool!

so after loads of photos in the rain, it was time to go home. I don't know what happened after that cos I was sleeping like mad while wj the power driver drove for many many hours in the dark. 20 hour drive from Mount Rushmore to home sweet home.
Tuesday, 29 May, 2008

Well, we took turns so the next day it was their turn to zzz.
Imagine the joy and excitement we felt when we saw these signs!! First the state of Ohio..

Then the city of Cleveland..

And finally Mayfield Road where we stay!!

the junk that i bought.. playing cards, postcards, bookmarks, magnets and 2 knives. Jeff's one was sadly confiscated at the Shanghai airport this jan. =(
Yes.. it was a fantastic trip. Short but totally awesome. yay. I always wish I could recommend Yellowstone to whoever wants to go to the US, but it's expensive to get to, and not exactly symbolic enough. Like, not the kind of place that springs to your mind when you think of touring the US.
NYC, Chicago and Washington DC in the east were iconic and bustling with energy. I loved the vast ocean views we saw along the Pacific Coast Highway from the beautiful San Francisco, down to L.A. and San Francisco. The glitz in Las Vegas and the very grand Grand Canyon. The laid back, carefree and happy-smiley-feel-good culture in Hawaii. Touristy and tropical Florida. The horsies in Kentucky. The mountains of Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee.
All were good fun. but Yellowstone blew me away.
AND I've finally finished up the travel-in-US entries! *pats on the back* Probably some miscellaneous entries on my life there left. After all it's May 29, only a couple of weeks to June 9.
Yes.. it was a fantastic trip. Short but totally awesome. yay. I always wish I could recommend Yellowstone to whoever wants to go to the US, but it's expensive to get to, and not exactly symbolic enough. Like, not the kind of place that springs to your mind when you think of touring the US.
NYC, Chicago and Washington DC in the east were iconic and bustling with energy. I loved the vast ocean views we saw along the Pacific Coast Highway from the beautiful San Francisco, down to L.A. and San Francisco. The glitz in Las Vegas and the very grand Grand Canyon. The laid back, carefree and happy-smiley-feel-good culture in Hawaii. Touristy and tropical Florida. The horsies in Kentucky. The mountains of Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee.
All were good fun. but Yellowstone blew me away.
AND I've finally finished up the travel-in-US entries! *pats on the back* Probably some miscellaneous entries on my life there left. After all it's May 29, only a couple of weeks to June 9.